Here is another introduction post to a wonderful trip that I had recently.
It's kind of challenging for me to form new and genuine connections, especially in recent years. Maybe this was exacerbated by the pandemic, but for sure, being remote and working from home is a huge factor. This is why I treasure my core circle of friends. I only have one actually, so I treasure them a lot. This is why it came as a pleasant surprise that I got to connect with new people and was able to actually be comfortable with them. It was like finding new friends that share the same energy.
This trip was actually initiated by these two new souls (that I now call friends yay), and it was a different kind of interaction with them. I mostly got to interact with them through chats at work. Then we discovered our common love for videoke! 🎤💗Because there were still precautions due to the pandemic back then, we got a bit creative and did our singing on the WeSing app for several times when we got bored on a random night (usually a Friday night lol).
It was the midst of a super busy week at work, and while chatting about our tasks, they had this idea of going out of town to unwind for a change! Of course I was all in with it, and so with some planning here and there, we were able to finally get away from our keyboards and phones and finally got to chat and interact in real life. 💖
And so, we got to spend the weekend in Tagaytay City! The experience was just how I imagined it to be -- great food, great company, and fantastic road trip adventure! It was surely a weekend to remember.
I'm excited to document all our adventures here on the blog, soon! ✨