I've been covering pop songs for the past few steps that I've done for my goal of learning to play the piano. I realized I haven't finished learning the song in my step #23 (yikes!). I think I got distracted along they way. Instead, I learned 3 pop songs to play on the piano!
This is all thanks to this app named Simply Piano by JoyTunes. I know several chords to play on the piano now! 😀
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
First time I heard this song, I knew the piano parts were pretty easy to play. With just three chords (F, Dm, C), you can already practically play the whole song!
Bad Behavior (Acoustic) - The Maine
I'm becoming obsessed with this band. Since seeing them live late last month, I''ve been high on their music. This song is my latest addiction from them.
You Get What You Give - New Radicals
I recently "cut ties" with the people closest to me, and during one of my lowest times, music suddenly comes in and saves my soul. Don't give up. I feel the music in you. You only get what you give. I realized that reconciling with those people, I also reconcile with myself.
I really enjoyed creating these covers. I guess I'll be doing some more in the future!
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