The period of the late 90's pop songs will not be complete without including this one song of a girl who plays a moving piano. Of course who doesn't know Vanessa Carlton's phenomenal song A Thousand Miles? Most of you might have just known her for that big-hit song (especially if you have watched that White Chicks flick) but for me, she's everything that pulled me into music, especially in playing the piano.
Like everybody else, I first known her as this girl who effortlessly hit notes on her piano on that moving vehicle. Upon seeing the song's music video on tv (oh how I miss MTV Philippines!), I got hooked. Up to this day, that song is my most favorite. If my life was a movie, I want that song to be played in the ending credits. I have A LOT of memories contained on that song, and I cherish them all whenever I hear it. Find me weird, but I don't want to really hear it often because I don't want to have its special meaning to wear off in the long run.
Each of her songs became a soundtrack of each of my life since then. Her voice together with the piano become heavenly music to my ears. Her songs were also my source of inspiration during my tough times back then. I held on to each of her songs.
Her A Thousand Miles song is, to date, the only song that I had the chance to play before an audience, not just once, but for three times. The best performance I had was when I performed it during college for an org event. Everyone knew the song and sang along with me. It was a surreal moment.
It was her songs that I first learned on the piano. I knew nothing about playing the piano. I just learned through tutorials posted on youtube. I would like to take this chance to thank pielepataan because I was able to learn my first piano piece from her. :)
I think one of the most memorable things that I have during college is being able to play a "real" piano. I only have a mini keyboard at home so the muscle memory that stuck to my fingers are on those little keys. That is why whenever I visit the dormitories, I try to play those upright pianos that they have in the lobby even if the notes are already out of tune, so that I could get used to the standard-sized piano keys.
I remember this batchmate of mine who was really good at the piano. He was a genius (I call him "maestro" lol). He can play any song just by hearing a few notes of it. Seeing him play made my eagerness to play the instrument even stronger. He was the one who told me about this piano exhibit in Vargas museum. There were two upright pianos that were reconstructed and repaired and was on exhibit for a limited time. After class, I always went there. I didn't really know any pieces during that time, save for those Vanessa Carlton songs that I learned from the internet. I would play it repeatedly there. There were times when I saw music students practicing their pieces there. They were so good! It was like watching a piano concert. That piano produced such concert-quality sound that's why I was so fond of playing it.
There were lots of happy memories with the Vargas museum pianos. One time I was playing White Houses when a female foreigner approached me and asked me to play again a part that I was playing earlier. I was so surprised, but played it for her anyways.
Nolita Fairytale's music video is my most favorite MV of hers.
Going back to VC. So it was her music that inspired me. I remember endlessly watching live performances of her in youtube whenever I go to the internet during college. And I think she plays better live.
In 2008, one of my greatest wishes came true, Vanessa Carlton visited Manila. The hearbreaking part was, I was not able to see her. I was a few minutes late. My sister accompanied me to Alabang Town Center to see her, but all we saw when we arrived was the piano on the stage and the dispersing crowd. The show was over. I don't know why but I did not really feel frustrated during that time (I think I was still on a high after our org's induction the night before), but my sister was. She felt bad because she knew how I liked VC very much. We heard people talking about her on our way out of the mall. They said she was very good and talented. She played the piano really well. I couldn't help but feel proud myself. I always daydreamed of attending one of her major concerts. Surely I can sing along to every single song that she will sing. Thinking about it now, it was indeed saddening to not able to see her live. :(
Home, for me, is her most romantic song.
Her songs may not be of mainstream today, but her songs will always be marked five stars in my playlist. I hope she would still make music after her Rabbits on the Run album.
I can proudly say now that hey, I can already play the piano. I still have a lot to learn and I am still learning on my own.
Here is a tribute for her, because Vanessa has more than a thousand miles to offer. :)
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